Cable is connected to the terminal just by pushing-in, without the need to use a screwdriver. PYK is suitable for applications with or without end-sleeves. All you need to do is to push the cable into the cable hole to make the connection. If needed, cable can be released easily by using a screwdriver.

Cable is connected to the terminal just by pushing-in, without the need to use a screwdriver. PYK is suitable for applications with or without end-sleeves. All you need to do is to push the cable into the cable hole to make the connection. If needed, cable can be released easily by using a screwdriver.

PYK series has s faster and easier montage advantage compared to AVK and YBK series. Cross connection for PYK is the same standart push-in type cross connectors used for YBK and AVK RD series. By this means user has the flexibility in using the cross connections.

Marking tags used for PYK series can be the standart labels and the outputs of thermal printer or plotter machines as well. User can design, group or code the marking tags at his/her will by using thermal printers or plotters.