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Klemsan IOT
Systèmes de marquage
Imprimante à carte thermique Klecard
Accessoires d'imprimante de carte thermique Klecard
Plaque Klecard
Imprimante à carte thermique Klecard - Marquage des bornes
Attache sur les étiquettes - DNS 5X10, DNS 6X10, DNS 5X6
Imprimante à cartes thermiques Klecard - Fabrication de fils et de câbles
Insértion des étiquettes pour les manchons transparents pour- KCPM
Étiquettes Clip It - KE-NS
Imprimante à cartes thermiques Klecard - Marquage d'équipement
Étiquettes de dispositifs adhésifs – KCIP
Étiquettes adhésives pour dispositifs en PVC – KCIPA
Étiquettes de boutons et de surfaces – KCIPR
Porte-étiquettes adhésifs - Y-PAEK, Y-BEK
Couches de protection – PBKP
Imprimante à carte thermique Klecard
Imprimante traceur KLM-PS BASIC
Accessoires pour imprimante traceur KLM-PS BASIC
Des stylos
Outil Stylos
Imprimante traceur KLM-PS BASIC - Marquage des bornes
étiquettessur -avec Attache PC (Série DG)
étiquettes surPA avec attache - (Série DB)
Étiquettes imprimées - (série DY)
Étiquettes imprimées personnalisées - (Série DO)
Étiquettes pour bornes à section élevée - KOIP-SM
Imprimante traceur KLM-PS BASIC - Marquage des fils et câbles
Insertion d'étiquettes pour manchons transparents – KIP
Manches transparentes – KKS
Étiquettes imprimées - KG-KE
Étiquettes pour câbles à section élevée - KBE 1, KBE2, KBEP 2712
Insertion d'étiquettes pour supports transparents - KBEP 209
Supports transparents montés avec serre-câbles - KBE3
Imprimante traceur KLM-PS BASIC - Marquage d'équipement
Étiquettes de boutons et d'appareils - PBIP
Étiquettes adhésives pour boutons et dispositifs - Y-PBIP, Y-KOIP, Y-OIP
Porte-étiquettes - PAEK, BEK
Porte-étiquettes adhésifs - Y-PAEK, Y-BEK
Couches de protection - PBKP
Étiquettes de contacteur - KOIP SM, KOIP TT
Étiquettes adhésives décives (adaptées aux imprimantes de bureau) - OYE
Imprimante traceur KLM-PS BASIC
Outil pour imprimante traceur KLM-PS BASIC
Imprimante de gravure KLM-PS
Accessoires pour imprimante graveur KLM-PS
Plaques-Graveur KLM-PS
Outils de gravure
Sac á poussiere
Imprimante KLM-PS Engrever - Marquage d'équipement
Étiquettes pré-découpées - KLM
Feuilles d'étiquettes - KLM300, KLM-PLY2
Étiquettes en aluminium - KLM-ALU
Imprimante de gravure KLM-PS
Imprimante à rouleau thermique KL TX300
Accessoires pour imprimante à rouleau thermique KL TX300
Rubans - KL-Tx300
Outil pour les marqueurs rétractables
Imprimante à rouleau thermique KL-Tx300 - Marquage des bornes
Étiquette en bande pour imprimante à rouleau thermique KL-Tx300 - SLF 1
Étiquette en bande pour imprimante à rouleau thermique KL-Tx300 - SLF 2
Imprimante à rouleau thermique KL-Tx300 - Marquage des fils et câbles
Insertion d'étiquettes pour manchons transparents – TTKP
Manches transparentes – KKS
Insérer des étiquettes pour les supports transparents - I-KBE
Supports transparents montés avec des serre-câbles – KBE
Étiquettes autocollantes –TTSL
Marqueurs rétractables – HSL
Imprimante à rouleau thermique KL-TX300 - Marquage d'équipement
Étiquettes de dispositifs adhésifs – PYE
Étiquettes pour dispositifs adhésifs argent – SPYE
Étiquette de dispositif adhésif épais – ETPS
Étiquettes de bandes adhésives – LSL
Étiquettes pour boutons et surfaces - T-PBIP
Porte-étiquettes adhésifs - Y-PAEK, Y-BEK
Couches de protection pour KL-Tx300 – PBKP
Imprimante à rouleau thermique KL-TX300
Nom complet
Numéro de téléphone
The obligations that Klemsan Elektrik Elektronik A.Ş. should comply with in accordance with the Protection of Personal Data Act are detailed in the following text.
Law No. 6698 on Protection of Personal Data, which entered into force on April 2016, specifies certain procedures that should be followed by those who are engaged in the processing of personal data. As required by this law, our company has the obligation to inform you regarding the processing of your personal data and to receive your permit in doing so.
As Klemsan, we are pleased that you are interested in our products and services and we would like to provide you with some key information about our approach to protecting your personal data. Protection of personal data is very important, especially considering that the internet based business models and internet based economies are currently being developed for future use. Our employees and our authorized service providers are committed to adhere with the privacy and protection of personal data acts and other mandatory data protection regulations. Klemsan intends in this data protection statement, to take every precaution to protect the personal data of individuals. Personal data includes, for example, your name, postal address, e-mail address, and other information about you.
The following table gives you a general description of how we intend to protect your personal data. The way we use and circulate your personal data is as follows: Your personal data which we obtained via our web site or through other channels is processed and recorded to be used to contact with you and to transmit you our marketing efforts (eg. your name, address or e-mail address). In addition, we will use this data to send you proposals and to inform you about new products, services and topics you may be interested in, from time to time. The information kept by Klemsan Company will be transferred to Klemsan Group companies, service providers or other third parties, if necessary. This may be required to carry out the services and processed requested by you like the processing of orders, event and seminar registrations or for customer service purposes, or to provide you with information about products and services. When personal data is transferred to third parties, we will limit this to the information required to be transferred to provide our services. The relevant third party is obligated to use this personal data only for the delivery of the needed service or for the carrying out of the required transaction on your order. In doing so, service providers are obliged to comply with The Protection of Personal Data Act. If your personal data in our servers is requested by the authorities with legal power, we are obliged to provide the requested data, without delay, with all the necessary information about the data stored in our database. We never share your personal data with third parties for marketing purposes, we do not sell or give them away.
As a personal data owner, you have the following rights, and you can request such rights by contacting our company (data supervisor);
Learning whether your personal data has been processed or not,
Requesting information about your personal data, if it has been processed,
Learning how your personal data is processed and whether it is used appropriately for the purpose,
Learning about the third parties to which your personal data is transferred within Turkey or abroad,
Requesting the correction of your personal data, if it has been incorrectly processed or missing,
Requesting that your personal data be erased or destroyed if the reasons for its processing are no more,
Requesting the notification of third parties to which your personal data is transferred,
Objection to the emergence of a consequence against you, due to analyzing of your processed data exclusively through automated systems,
Requesting that the damages be compensated in the event of a loss due to the unlawful processing of your personal data.
If you have any questions about the use of your personal data, or if you want to revoke the permission for the recording of your personal data, you can contact us via
[email protected]
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