The term “Energy Saving” indicates the optimization of the limited energy resources found in nature and preventing the quality of elements which directly affects our life-quality like water, air, soil and ozon.
Many studies made about the optimization of energy resources in many different specialities and aspects. I would like to indicate a point about this topic.
We all know the Deming Cycle, which is one of the main principles of quality. It is about planning, doing the planned work, checking the work in process and acting while seeing potential errors. We should ask ourselves which of these four factors are partly-applied or un-applied whn it comes to energy consumptions. Planning the consumptions which can be saved is the most important step as not doing work in order to save energy or not doing work efficiently is a matter of wrong planning. Doing is the key step. Maybe many of the plans stay just as plan without doing. It is required to check the savings with reliable and safe methods by using analyzers. If the targeted saving level is not met, a precaution strategy should be implemented and even savings plans can be changed.
Savings aiming to keep the natural life quality and taking into account the criterias of air, water, soil and ozon can be named as energy saving regardless of our business type or project. The well-known legal obligations like REACH, RoHS, ELV, WEE, Carbon Inventories, etc. are all made for energy saving purposes mainly. Because all these regulations aim to reduce or eliminate the elements which affects the nature and viable environment.
Wishing all organizations to see energy saving as a matter of nature and not just as a cost saving process.
Mustafa KAYA – KLEMSAN A.Ş. – Quality Assurance Manager
İzmir – February 2016